Since successfully commercializing the world's first fish finder in 1948,FURUNO has met customer needs by developing and marketing various types of navigation and communications equipment. Today, we offer equipment to ensure safety, peace of mind, and higher efficiency for a wide variety of ships, from large merchant vessels, to fishing boats and recreational boats.

For Merchant Vessels

For safe and efficient navigation
As part of our mission to contribute to safe and efficient navigation, FURUNO offers a variety of navigation and communications equipment.
These products are designed for all types and sizes of merchant vessels, carrying both people and goods. With regards to newly-built vessels, we have built up a track record and global network commensurate with our top market share. Leveraging these assets, our business spans from new vessel construction to upkeep and lifecycle maintenance and retrofitting.

Radar acts as the eyes of a ship, sending out radio waves as a means of detecting other vessels and obstructions in the surrounding area. Radar allows ships to navigate safely, even when dense fog reduces visibility.

AIS allows for ship information (e.g., ID, position, heading direction) to be exchanged among ocean-going ships and vessels. These systems help prevent collisions and ensure safe navigation. They also make it possible to detect ships, which do not appear on radar because they are hidden in the shadow of islands.

This system supports course planning and navigation monitoring. The FURUNO ECDIS allows for smooth display switching between information from various types of equipment connected to the network. It contributes to safer and more efficient navigation by realizing natural operation based on an intuitive understanding of current conditions.

Satellite Communications Equipment
We offer communications equipment and services employing communications satellites. This enables telephone and facsimile communication with the shore, as well as onboard connectivity to the Internet.
For Fishing Vessels

For safe fishing and sustainable use of fishery resources
Since our founding, FURUNO has offered electronic fishing equipment to modernize and improve the efficiency of commercial fishing.
FURUNO is working to develop fisheries with resource management, through the fishery consulting capability that we have previously cultivated in countries around the world, and by providing products and services that are both innovative and optimally suited for the market.

Fish Finder
These systems detect fish schools using ultrasound waves, which travel in straight lines as they penetrate the water and bounce back to the original source after hitting fish, the seabed or other objects. The depth and distance to schools of fish can be calculated based on the time it takes for the ultrasound waves to return.

Scanning Sonar
This system supports efficient operations by detecting schools of fish from a long distance as well as schools on the surface and near the sea floor. It also detects fast-moving individual fish.
Additionally, it supports safe fishing boat operations by preventing marine accidents such as collisions with flotsam.

This system supports safe and efficient operations with communication capabilities for transmitting and receiving not only voice communication, but also data.
It also has a unit for ascertaining the real-time position of other vessels in addition to one's own vessel.
For Pleasure Boats

For safe and comfortable life at sea
FURUNO offers high-quality products for users of all types of recreational boats, including sport fishing boats, sailboats and yachts.
While continuing to supply innovative and highly reliable products to the users of small workboats, such as coastal security vessels and tug boats, we are expanding our efforts to enhance customer value.

Network-Capable and Multi-Function Navigation System
Electronic navigation systems centralize and integrate the functions of radar, fish finder, GPS, AIS, camera and audio system.

GPS, Chart Plotter
Navigating in the open seas requires accurate assessment of one's current position.
GPS chart plotters pinpoint a vessel's position based on radio waves sent from GPS satellites.
The position is displayed on a simplified navigational chart.

Fish Finder
Among compact fish finders, the latest devices are equipped with functions such as displaying fish size with numbers or marks, and the ability to discriminate seabed composition. FURUNO digital technology renders fish images clearer and makes it easier to identify fish schools on the sea bottom and in the shallows.

Linked to the steering system and heading sensors, the autopilot automatically controls the ship to maintain the course, making steering much easier for the captain.