On December 3, FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. celebrated the 70th anniversary of its foundation. To mark this occasion, the FURUNO Group has formulated a new management vision, FURUNO GLOBAL VISION “NAVI NEXT 2030”, to carry the company through to 2030.
The FURUNO Group’s management principles is based on three universal values: “A company exists to serve society”, “Its management must be creative”, and “The happiness of its employees comes with the growth of a company”. Also, The Group’s employees aim to embody four professional principles: “Face the future”, “Strive to be the best”, “Be persistently original”, and “Be sincere”.
The FURUNO Group will continue to respect these universal values as it develops the company in accordance with the new management vision. This overarching vision relates not only directly to how we conduct our business, but also to human resources and corporate culture in ways that will guide us toward 2030.
We are committed to raising both customer and corporate value through various sustainable and wide-ranging initiatives to achieve this vision.
To all shareholders, we sincerely ask for your ongoing encouragement and support into the future.
Yukio Furuno, President and CEO