Intellectual Property Policy
Intellectual properties are important assets for business management upon which the corporate values are to be enhanced. Based upon our intellectual property strategy which is closely intertwined with our business strategy, FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. strives to obtain intellectual properties that are universally beneficial, in order to cultivate these important assets.
Should our intellectual property rights be infringed, we would resolve to take unyielding actions, inclusive of legal measures, such as seeking injunction to prevent the infringing products from being distributed as well as claiming for damages. Also, while duly respecting the intellectual property rights owned by other companies, we are determined to claim our legitimacy accordingly with legislation of each country against unreasonable claims or exercises.
Countermeasures Against Counterfeit Products

Example of Counterfeit Products
Any counterfeit products that have similarity to our products in terms of branding and appearance create confusion with our products in the market, hence bringing disadvantages to our customers. We will not overlook such counterfeit products that are infringing upon our intellectual property rights in the market, and we are determined to take firm countermeasures against such products, inclusive of legal measures, in order to resolve the situation.