CSR at the FURUNO Group
Ever since its establishment in 1938, FURUNO has been dedicated to manufacturing products that expand the boundaries of visibility, adding value to both industry and society.
With our core competency of "SPC & I" - Sensing, Processing, Communication and Integration - FURUNO is continually adding value to the industry and helping to solve social challenges.
FURUNO recognizes that responsibility to society goes along with the production of equipment.
FURUNO encourages all of its employees to maintain the highest ethical standards, earning the trust and exceeding the expectations of our stakeholders and society as a whole.
The code of behaviour for employees is specified in the "Action Guidelines" in the "FURUNO Group Code of Conduct".
Every FURUNO employee stives to improve company value by maintaining the highest ethical standards.

Relationships with Stakeholders
The FURUNO Group respects all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders, local communities, and employees, and is sincerely committed to building a strong and faithful relationship of trust.
Relationships with Customers
FURUNO listens carefully to the views of customers throughout the world, and all of our departments, from research and development to service, are working to provide higher quality products and services.
Relationships with Suppliers
At FURUNO, we strive to engage in fair-trading, building relationships of trust with suppliers, and achieve mutual development while fulfilling our social responsibilities.
Relationships with Employees
Based on the idea that "the essence of management is people," we have established development of human resources and capabilities as one of our management strategies. Under a system of goal management, which values the autonomy of each individual, we support the growth of our employees by effectively operating various personnel programs.
Relationships with Local Communities
As a good corporate citizen, we are conscious of our role as a member of the local community, and we work hard to build prosperous relationships of mutual trust through our interactions with people.
Environmental Initiatives
Management of chemicals contained in our products is our top priority. We are working to create products with low environmental impact, and to achieve continuous environmental conservation in all aspects of our business activities.