FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (headquartered in Nishinomiya, Japan)- Boaters with NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2, or TZtouch3 systems and limited space for a Radar antenna will be excited to learn about a new option from Furuno that encompasses all of the Solid-State Doppler features that make their NXT Radars a must-have. The DRS2D-NXT, announced by Furuno, delivers all the features of the larger NXT Radars in a compact 19" Radome. The DRS2D-NXT is the perfect solution for smaller vessels or those desiring a compact backup Radar with the same features and modes their larger Radar provides.

New DRS2D-NXT Radome
The DRS2D-NXT utilizes the same, proven transceiver as the 24" DRS4D-NXT, delivering powerful Solid-State Doppler Radar performance and a 48 nautical mile range. All of the same modes and features that are the hallmarks of the NXT series will be available, including Target Analyzer™, RezBoost™ beam sharpening, FTT (Fast Target Tracking), Bird Mode, Rain Mode, and dual-range capability. With Target Analyzer™, target colors change in real time, allowing you to spot potentially hazardous situations at a glance. Green echoes are stationary targets, landmasses, or targets approaching your vessel at a velocity of fewer than 3 knots. Radar echoes dynamically shift to red when an object approaches your vessel at a speed of 3 knots or faster, independently of your own ship's speed.
While a smaller antenna creates a wider beamwidth, Furuno's RezBoost™ beam sharpening processes the returned targets to achieve equivalent resolutions of larger antenna arrays. RezBoost™ processing also enhances Furuno's Bird Mode, a feature that automatically adjusts the Radar's gain and clutter to detect flocks or even individual birds as they're feeding on baitfish. Knowing where the birds gather is just one tool that fishermen use to get on the fish, and NXT series Radars automatically make those adjustments for you.
With the Auto Acquire feature, targets in a 3 NM range are instantly acquired and tracked automatically. The DRS2D-NXT can track up to 100 ARPA targets simultaneously: 40 auto-acquired targets, 30 manually acquired targets, and up to 30 targets within an operator-created guard zone. Fast Target Tracking means that acquiring and tracking targets is instantaneous.
These unique features can be used together, providing the ultimate utility, safety, and situational awareness. For example, enabling Rain Mode paints areas of precipitation in blue. With Target Analyzer™ enabled, targets masked within the rain that are approaching your vessel at speeds greater than 3 knots are displayed in red. This combination of features allows you to pick out hazardous targets within the squall easily and automatically.
The DRS2D-NXT works with NavNet TZtouch, TZtouch2, and TZtouch3, and will be available from this Spring. For more information on NXT Radars, NavNet TZtouch3, or the entire Furuno line of quality marine electronics, contact your nearest Furuno dealer.
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