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NewNew offline training solution for Furuno ECDIS FMD-series type-specific training


On March 1, 2025, Furuno is proud to launch a new offline solution for Furuno ECDIS FMD-series type-specific training, called NavSkills™ CBT NXT. As the name indicates, this solution is the next and updated version of the Furuno ECDIS CBT (Computer Based Training).

NavSkills™ CBT NXT is an offline training solution for Furuno ECDIS FMD-series type-specific training, enabling the trainee to complete the training course offline, and Furuno Maritime Training, which is a part of our subsidiary Furuno Danmark A/S, has developed and is now operating the new NavSkills™ CBT NXT. The training is performed on a PC with a Microsoft Windows application. Upon successful completion of the course, the trainee will receive a maker-approved Furuno ECDIS FMD-series type-specific certificate. For detailed information about the course content and technical requirements, please visit Furuno Maritime Training website.

The current CBT continues to be available for already-purchased license keys only throughout 2025.

What is the difference between the previous and the new version?

The course content is updated according to the newest software updates of the Furuno ECDIS FMD-series and has been moved to a new platform. The course is now presented in video format with illustrations and dynamic tests for a better user experience. The comprehensive test at the end of the course has been replaced with smaller tests after each lesson. Finally, we have automated the process of issuing certificates, meaning that the trainee will receive a digital certificate within an hour after successfully completing the course. The digital certificate has a QR code leading to our database, where a validity of the certificate can be ascertained.

How does the training course work?

The trainee downloads a Microsoft Windows application on a PC and enters a license key to access the training course. The trainee is now able to complete the training course offline. Once completed, the trainee uploads the test results to our LMS (Learning Management System) via the app (internet access required). The LMS automatically verifies the test results and issues a digital certificate by email upon successful completion of the course.

Where to buy license keys?

License keys for NavSkills™ CBT NXT will be distributed through Furuno national distributors(contact information here).
For a guide on how to download the app and get started, please visit Furuno Maritime Training website.

What is NavSkills™?

The new offline training solution is a part of the NavSkills™ brand, which was established by Furuno in 2010, with the purpose to increase safety at sea by making high-quality training solutions available for navigators worldwide. The NavSkills™ concept is our customers’ guarantee for high-quality training solutions, developed by qualified and experienced Furuno instructors.

About Furuno Maritime Training

Furuno Maritime Training (FMT) is a part of Furuno Danmark A/S, Furuno Electric Co. Ltd., and the global center for Furuno’s training services. Their mission is to enhance maritime safety by delivering expert training solutions. FMT provides navigators with the skills and confidence to operate their equipment with precision, ensuring safe and efficient maritime operations. Since 2005, FMT has proudly issued certificates for two decades, enhancing the skills and competencies of navigators around the world. Their training center is certified by the Danish Maritime Authority, guaranteeing education that meets international standards.

Contact Us

Furuno Maritime Training center, Denmark, part of FURUNO Electric Co., Ltd.
Hammerholmen 44
DK-2650 Hvidovre
Phone: +45 36 77 40 12
Email: training@furuno.dk
Website: https://www.furunotraining.com/