We thank you very much for your trust and continued support.
It is regretful to report that there is a possibility that some of our GPS receivers and GPS-incorporated equipment (please see the list below) may face GPS positioning errors after 12th of December 2010. This may stem from the problem of GPS week number roll-over. If you happened to spot any GPS positioning error on the equipment listed below, we would like to ask you to take the following countermeasures to resolve the problem. If the problem persisted after having taken the countermeasures, please consult with our sales representative closest to your location. We sincerely apologize for all the inconveniences caused.
GPS week number rollover: The GPS system calculates time by counting the number of weeks up to 1,023rd week. After week 1,023, the week number count is reset to zero. This is called "GPS week number rollover". This rollover occurred to some of the GPS receivers listed above on the 12th of December 2010, and the week number was reset to the week 0, that is, 28th of April 1991.
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